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Sunday, January 30, 2011
President's Day Hyper Camp
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Feb. 2011 Coming Events from Dunamis Karate
Coming Events
Feb. 11th 6:00 - 10:00 pm
Valentine's Party & Parents Night Out ... Parents, enjoy a night out with your Valentine while we entertain the kids!! Only $10 per person - includes food & drink!
Feb. 14-15th
Pajama Bottoms ... Wear your pajama bottoms to class instead of your gi pants and earn 2 tickets for the Ticket Contest!
Pajama Bottoms ... Wear your pajama bottoms to class instead of your gi pants and earn 2 tickets for the Ticket Contest!
Feb. 16-17th
Belt Testing ... Schedule will be as follows:
Belt Testing ... Schedule will be as follows:
Monday - Feb. 14th
Normal Classes and Black Belt Club
Normal Classes and Black Belt Club
Jr. Black Test & CKD Pre-Pre-Test for 1st Degree 7:00 - 8:30pm
Wednesday - Feb. 16th
Tiny Tigers Test 4:30 - 5:00pm
Jr. Beginners Test 5:00 - 5:45pm
Jr. Intermediate Test 5:45 - 6:30 pm
Thursday Feb. 17th - No Jr. Black or CKD Black Class!
Tiny Tigers Test 3:30 - 4:00pm
Tiny Tigers Test 3:30 - 4:00pm
Jr. Beginners Test 4:00 - 4:45pm
Jr. Intermediate Test 4:45 - 6:30pm
Jr. Advanced Test 6:30 - 8:00pm
Adult Test 8:00 - 9:00pm
Feb. 21st - Presidents Day - NO CLASSES
Hyper Perseverance Camp 8:30am - 5:00pm
Get ready to have fun learning the newest kicks, combinations, Jumpkick gymnastics skills and forms from Hyper Pro Matt Emig. In addition, you will also learn what it takes to become the next High Performance Athlete in life through mastering Perseverance! You don't want to miss this camp! The 8 ½ hour camp costs only $49.
Register by Monday, Feb. 7th
and receive a FREE Perseverance T-shirt and have opportunity to add Matt Emig's Hyper DVD for an additional $10. Camp participants also get 5 tickets for the Ticket Contest!
Feb. 22-24th
Hyper T-shirt Week
Wear a HYPER T-shirt to class in place of your gi top (this week only) and get 2 tickets for the Ticket Contest!
Feb. 25th 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Belt Graduation & Movie Night
Come celebrate our student's success as they demonstrate their best skills and receive their new ranks. After the graduation ceremony, we will play a movie for anyone wishing to stay!
Feb. 28th - March 3rd
Bring a Friend to Class Week
Bring a friend to participate with you in class and receive 2 tickets for the Ticket Contest!
Feb. 28th
Early Registration Cut Off for Goodwill Tournament
March 4th 5:30pm
Tournament Prep Class
The Goodwill Tournament is Sat. March 5th ... This special tournament prep class will give students the last minute confidence they need to be prepared for the tournament. We will cover the check in process once you arrive, the line up, ring assignments, and give each student a chance to perform their forms/weapons in front of the "practice judges" giving them extra tips to improve their performance. Cost for this class is only $5.00.
March 5th 10:00am
Goodwill Tournament - Beaufort High Gym

Every year we look forward to this event and this year is no exception! This is a super tournament for beginning and seasoned competitors... and you won't find another tournament this close to home! Special divisions are set up for the Tiny Tiger age kids (5 years and under) and flag sparring for the beginner ranks who do not yet participate in contact sparring. The best part is that it's a supportive, encouraging atmosphere and EVERYONE goes home with a beautiful 3' trophy!! Pre-register by Feb. 28th and the cost is only $40 or pay $50 the day of the event. Last year we took about 20 competitors ... this year, let's shoot for double that number!!! You can download tournament info & registration forms by visiting http://dunamiskarate.com/Calendar.aspx
Saturday, January 22, 2011
2011 Update So Far
So far 2011 is off to a great start. We've teamed up with The Personal Achievement Academy to bring you a new character development program with weekly mat chats and homework missions ... and the monthly homework and newsletter are now being sent out via email. We've started the "Ticket Contest" with various ways each week for students to earn tickets. We've hosted a super Parents Night Out and I can only hope that the parents had 1/2 as much fun as the kids! We gave a Professional School Presentation for the 4th grade class at Thomas Heyward Academy in which we taught the students the "ABC's of Being a Champion in Life" along with some self protection skills. Next on the agenda is the Kid Safety Course this weekend. We hope to educate the kids and parents in the community so that we don't end up like the statistics! (Download a copy of the Kid Safety Course booklet & Test) |
Financial Peace?
Starting in February, Jim & Lindy Woods will host Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at Dunamis Karate. What will you learn in Financial Peace University?
In 13 action-packed lessons, you'll learn how to beat debt, build wealth, find bargains, invest for the future, give like never before, and much more! This information will change your life.
More than one million families have attended Financial Peace University with amazing results. On average, these families paid off $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 in just the first 90 days! Stop worrying about money, and start your journey to Financial Peace today.
For more information click here: www.daveramsey.com/fpu
or call Jim Woods at (843)226-0357
Quick Dates to Remember
Jan. 31 Demo Team TryoutsFeb. 2 Financial Peace Intro
Feb. 6 Financial Peace Intro
Feb. 11 Valentines Party
Feb. 14-17 Pajama Bottoms Week
Feb. 25 Belt Graduation & Movie
Feb. 26 Mass Intro Class
2/28-3/3 Bring a Friend Week
March 4 Tournament Prep Class
March 5 Goodwill Tournament
March 31 Ticket Contest Drawing
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Exciting News for January 2011
We hope your Christmas & New Year were as exciting as ours! But, the holidays are over now and it’s time to start off the new year right. We have some new things happening this year that you don’t want to miss. Read the entire newsletter to find out more!
This month we start our Ticket Contest. Students will earn tickets during the months of January, February & March each time they do something extra at the school. In January, tickets can be earned by bringing a friend to class (Jan. 3-6), bringing a friend to the mass intro (Jan. 8), if their friend enrolls after the intro, for wearing a hat to class (Jan. 10-13), for attending the Parent’s Night Out, bring a friend to parent’s night out (Jan. 13), for attending the free Child Safety Course, bringing a friend to the safety course (Jan. 22), and for trying out for the Dunamis Karate Demo Team (Jan. 30). There will be other ways to earn tickets in Feb. & March. At the end of March we will draw for various prizes including gift certificates, patches, Hyper T-shirt/DVD, and MORE!
We are excited to introduce a new Character Development Program for all students called the Personal Achievement Academy. Every month students will receive a Personal Achievement Academy handout. This is an incredible tool for educating the entire family on important Life Skills. The hand out has 4 weekly lessons and cool missions for the students to do. These missions are the key to helping students develop positive life changing success habits. They are fun and students will earn points for each mission they accomplish. Students earning 150 points or more will get a stripe on their belt. The hands outs should be returned during the last week of the month.

Bring a Friend Week - January 3rd – 6th
Bring a friend to class with you and earn a ticket for the Ticket Contest
Mass Intro – Saturday, January 8th
Bring a friend to this free intro class and earn another ticket. If they enroll, you will get 2 more tickets!
Bring a friend to this free intro class and earn another ticket. If they enroll, you will get 2 more tickets!
Parent’s Night Out – Friday, January 13th
Parents, enjoy the night out while we entertain the kids. Only $10 per person – Includes pizza and drink. Earn 1 ticket for attending this event … Bring a friend with you and get another ticket.
Parents, enjoy the night out while we entertain the kids. Only $10 per person – Includes pizza and drink. Earn 1 ticket for attending this event … Bring a friend with you and get another ticket.
Free Kid Safety Course – Saturday, January 22nd 10:00am
This one hour seminar will include 911 training, stranger danger, fire/water safety, drug and dangerous addictions, gang avoidance, accident alertness, internet safety rules, playground & neighborhood safety, and self protection against the two most common attacks. (Recommended for families with kids ages 5-12.)
Attend this event and earn 1 ticket. Bring a friend with you to earn another ticket!
This one hour seminar will include 911 training, stranger danger, fire/water safety, drug and dangerous addictions, gang avoidance, accident alertness, internet safety rules, playground & neighborhood safety, and self protection against the two most common attacks. (Recommended for families with kids ages 5-12.)
Attend this event and earn 1 ticket. Bring a friend with you to earn another ticket!
Demo Team Tryouts – Monday, January 31st 7:00pm
Have you been thinking about joining the Dunamis Karate Demo Team? Now is the time!! Talk to Mrs. Woods ASAP to find out what you need to do! You even earn 1 ticket when you try out!
Have you been thinking about joining the Dunamis Karate Demo Team? Now is the time!! Talk to Mrs. Woods ASAP to find out what you need to do! You even earn 1 ticket when you try out!
January Birthdays:
Larson 1/3 Moises 1/13 Lucas 1/17 Louie 1/17
Audrey 1/22 Caelin 1/25 Abraham 1/26
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