Thursday, April 12, 2012

Summer Preview

Starts June 11th
Dear Lindy,

Summer is quickly approaching and that means summer break from school, trips to the beach, Vacation Bible School, family vacations and more. 

We know you want to enjoy the summer with your family, so we are changing up our schedule in an attempt to make it easier for everyone.

This new schedule - including some MORNING KARATE classes will start June 11th.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.


Lindy Woods & Allison Bunton
Dunamis Karate
Morning Schedule:
Cage Fitness6:00am6:00am6:00am
Cage Fitness8:30am8:30am8:30am8:30am8:30am
Cage Fitness6:15pm6:15pm
Morning Karate - All Ranks9:15am9:15am

Afternoon/Evening Classes

Tiny Tigers Beg. & Int.5:15 - 6:155:15 - 6:15
Cage Fitness6:15 - 6:456:15 - 6:45
Hyper Pro-Training (Tue) / Sparring  (Thur)6:45 - 7:306:45 - 7:30
Adv. Black Belts & Adults7:30 - 8:157:30 - 8:15
Adv. Sparring 8:15 - 8:45
 Other Events

We will also be hosting several fun events, camps, outdoor training sessions, etc. throughout the summer.  More information about those events will be posted soon.
We will be closed July 15-28 for training & competition in Las Vegas.  This event is open to all UFAF members ages 8 & up.  If you are interested in joining us, please talk to Mrs. Woods for more information!
We will have one more belt testing before this summer schedule begins This last test will be on as SATURDAY - JUNE 9th
Mark your calendar NOW so you don't miss this last belt test!!!
Save $$$
Join Cage Fitness for the summer
and pay only $99 for an 8 week course.
That's class 2x a week plus your gloves & tee
for only $99 ... It's like getting a month for FREE! 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2012
In This Issue
Leadership Training
Regional Seminars
Bring a Friend Week
Hyper Dedication Camp
Belt Testing
Test Schedule
Belt Graduation
New Website
Quick Links
Exam Request Form

April Calendar

April Homework

Regional Event Schedule

Dunamis Karate

UFAF Membership
Leadership Training
Friday, April 13th  5:30 - 7:00pm 

Do you want to be a part of our Dunamis Karate Leadership Team?

Do you want to learn valuable skills that will help you be a leader, not only at karate, but in all areas of life?

This class is for you!! 

Register now for only $20.

Are you a current member of the Leadership Team?  You registration is only $10.  Remember, that each team member must attend at least 2 leadership trainings per year!

Regional Black Belt Test & Seminars
 April 20-21
We have a regional Black Belt test (in which 2 of our students, Audrey & Emma Lowther, will be testing for their 1st Degree CKD Black Belts) planned for April 20-21 at Club Karate in Lady's Island. 

The tests are open for anyone to watch. 

The seminar are open and FREE to all UFAF members (no white belts).

For complete details about the weekend, click HERE!
Bring a Friend Week
April 23-26

All karate students and Cage Fitness clients are invited to BRING A FRIEND during the week of April 23-26th.

Everyone who brings a friend will be entered into a drawing for cool prizes!
Karate Tees
Pre-Order NOW
Summer is quickly approaching and starting this month (April 23rd) students will be allowed to wear karate tees to class in place of their gi tops.

We a few Dunamis tees and Hyper tees in stock, but not nearly enough for everyone, so we will be ordering a reprint of our "FIGHT" t-shirt design. 

We will have a order form at the school for everyone to pre-order their choice of size & color.  All orders must be submitted THIS WEEK!

Join Our List
Join Our Mailing List
There are several important things happening this month, so please be sure to mark your calendars so you don't miss anything!
Hyper Dedication Camp
Wednesday, April 11  9am-5pm  $50

Get ready to have fun learning the newest kicks, combinations, Jumpkick gymnastics skills, and form from Hyper Pro Marc Canonizado.

In addition you will also learn what it takes to become the next High Performance Athlete in life through mastering Dedication!

You don't want to miss this camp! Space is limited to 20 people, so register ASAP to reserve your spot!!

Hyper Dedication Camp
Wednesday, April 11th 9am-5pm
Cost $50
(Hyper Pro Training Members get a $20 discount!) 
Belt Testing
April 18-19
Belt Testing

Remember the Requirements:

Gold Belts & Higher
- Full white uniform with Dunamis Patch on right shoulder & Flag Patch on Left Shoulder 

Purple White & Higher - Same as Gold Belts plus ... UFAF patch on left chest. Must be active UFAF members!   (If you are testing for Purple/Orange or higher, you MUST be a UFAF member.   Click here to register!    Let me know if you need assistance.)

Test Fees
...  All Belt Test Fees are $20 (Jr. Black test fee is $50, CKD Pre-test is $75)  and must be turned in with the Exam Request Form Prior to belt testing or a $10 late fee will be added.
 Exam Request Forms must be signed by Parents & School Teachers

If any students are behind in attendance, tuition payments or not behaving at home & school (less than a 2 on the form) they will not be eligible for promotion
Test Schedule
April 18-19
Belt Testing Schedule

Wednesday April 18th
5:00Tiny Tigers & Beginners Test
5:45Intermediates Test
Thursday April 19th   
3:30Tiny Tigers Test
4:00Beginners Test
5:00Intermediates Test
Cage Fitness Class
Advanced Test 
8:00Adults Test

Belt Graduation - Movie Night

Friday, April 27

We will hold our belt graduation one week after belt testing ... All students who pass their tests will be a part of a short demonstration then receive their new ranks.  The entire graduation will take approximately an hour.

Following the belt ceremony, we invite everyone to stay and watch a move.  We will lounge on the mat and watch the movie projected onto the wall.  Feel free to bring pillows, blankets, snacks and drinks.  All drinks must have a closeable top! 

This is meant to be a family event.  We want families to enjoy the movie together!

New Website

We changed web hosts and as a result lost access to our website for a short period of time.  Mrs. Woods has been working to get it rebuilt and back online as quickly as possible and it is now 95% complete.

Check it out and let us know what you think!
If you have any questions about any of the upcoming events, please let me know.

Lindy Woods
Save 15%
Register this week for the
and SAVE 10% off the price!
Offer Expires: April 5, 2012