Our next Belt Testing will be Saturday, Dec. 6th Make sure you have all the requirements met:
80% class attendance Exam Request Form (for all under 15yrs - Download here)
(Test forms are due by Thursday or a $10 late fee will be added.)
Tuition payments up to date Clean white uniform UFAF memberships for Purple Belts & Up (visit UFAF.org to register)
The test schedule will be as follows: Tiny Tigers 10:00 AM Beginner Jrs. 10:45 AM Int. Jr. & Beg. Adults 12:30 PM Advanced Jrs. & Int/Adv Adults 2:00 PM
We will wrap up the year with a big belt graduation year end award celebration on Friday, Dec. 19th at 5:30 PM. We invite all family and friends to join us!
This event will end the year and we will be closed until January 5, 2015!