Wednesday, January 28, 2015

February Newsletter

February News & Events
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Dunamis Karate News

February 2015

The month of February will be very busy as we prepare for Belt Testing & the Goodwill Tournament.  Please make note of the special classes to help students prepare for the tournament.  
Novice Weapons Class     
Friday, Feb. 6th      
5:00-6:00 PM

This class is for anyone interested in learning the bo staff or nunchucks particularly for competition at the upcoming Goodwill Tournament.  You do not need any experience to attend this class, just come and learn.
Kata Seminar
Fri, Feb. 20th    
5 – 6 PM       

This seminar will focus on sharpening your kata to improve tournament performance and scores.  We will work with students to increase their confidence in the ring and boost their showmanship for the judges.  This class is for all ages & ranks.
Goodwill Tournament
Sat, Feb. 28th
(only $40 if you pre-register by Feb. 21)

Competition for all ages & ranks – Every competitor will get a 3’ Trophy!                   

Plan to arrive by 9:30 AM

Wear your traditional white uniform so we look like a TEAM!
Experienced Weapons Class                   
Friday, Feb. 6th      
6:00 – 7:00 PM 

Come brush up on your weapons skills and sharpen your form before the Goodwill Tournament.  We will offer tips to help you improve your performance and your scores.
Belt Testing  Sat, Feb. 21st  
Yes – it really is that time again already!  Here is the test schedule:
Tiny Tigers 10 AM
Jr. Beginner 10:45 AM

Jr. Int./ Adult Beg. 12:30
Jr. & Adult Adv   2:00 PM

Be sure you/your child meet all the requirements before the test arrives:
1 – Clean, well fitting white uniform
2 – Tuition payments up to date
3 – Minimum 80 % class attendance
4 – Exam Request form (ages 15 & under)
5 – UFAF membership (purple belts & Up)                       6 – Test fee turned in by 2/19
Fighting Seminar
Saturday, Feb 7th   
1:30-2:30 PM 

Our last fighting seminar was a hug success and our students have requested MORE… here is it!  Grab your gear and join us Saturday afternoon as we work various skills and drills to improve your sparring before the Goodwill Tournament. 
Practice Tournament
Friday, Feb. 27th
5:00 – 6:30 PM     $5.00

This class will be a tournament walk through from beginning to end.  We will take students through the line up, ring assignments and weapons & forms competition.  Each person will perform their weapons and/or open kata in front of judges and other competitors just like it will be at the tournament.  This will be our final practice before the Goodwill Tournament, which is the next day!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Goodwill Tournament

GOODWILL TOURNAMENT - Feb. 28th in Lady’s Island
Every year our school participates in the Goodwill Tournament held in Lady's Island, SC.  This is a GREAT tournament for students of ALL ranks and ages.  There are even special division for the Tiny Tigers.  The tournament is well run and the divisions are small enough to allow students a good chance to win.  This local tournament is one we look forward to every year and students always have a positive experience.  Start planning now to attend … the entry fee is only $40 (if pre-registered by Feb. 21st) for up to 3 events and every competitor will received a beautiful trophy.
This Friday, Jan. 23 - FIGHT NIGHT -  5:00 - 6:00 PM     $5.00
    This will be our first in a series of "Tournament Prep Classes" ... we cover various sparring drills and strategies for successful sparring in the Goodwill Tournament.  This class is for all students PURPLE BELTS and up who have purchased their sparring gear through our pro-shop.  The cost for the class is only $5.00.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January Newsletter

Time to get back in shape and prepare for the Goodwill Tournament.

Happy New Year

Welcome Back!

We hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas/New Year break and caught up on some much needed rest.  During the break we did some major cleaning/painting in the karate school.  Please help us keep the building as clean as possible by keeping hands and feet off the walls/windows… and if you see any unattended children who need to be reminded of this policy, don't hesitate to remind them! 
As we get back into the swing of things this month, students may be in need of some extra practice time at home due to the break.  If you would like to set up a private lesson to help you or your child get back on track before the next belt testing, please see Mrs. Woods to set that up!

Download printable calendar 
Download printable newsletter

GOODWILL TOURNAMENT - Feb. 28th in Lady’s Island
Every year our school participates in the Goodwill Tournament held in Lady's Island, SC.  This is a great tournament for students of all ranks and ages.  There are even special division for the Tiny Tigers.  The tournament is well run and the division are small enough to allow students a good chance to win.
This month we will start our “Tournament Prep” classes to help students be better prepared for the competition in February.  This local tournament is one we look forward to every year and students always have a positive experience.  Start planning now to attend … the entry fee is only $40 for up to 3 events and every competitor will received a beautiful trophy.

View Tournament Flyer
Printable Tournament Registration 

FIGHT NIGHT - Tournament Prep - Friday, Jan. 23  5:00 - 6:00 PM     $5.00
    Join us for this special “FIGHT NIGHT” as we cover various sparring drills and strategies for successful sparring in the Goodwill Tournament.  This class is for all students PURPLE BELTS and up who have purchased their sparring gear through our pro-shop.  The coast for the class is only $5.00.
WEAPONS NIGHT - Tournament Prep - Friday, Jan. 30  5:00 - 6:00 PM      $5.00
    This special tournament prep class is specifically for students who have NEVER used a weapon before.  We will cover basic skills with either a bo staff or foam nunchucks.  Students should have their own weapon prior to attending this class.  All novice weapons students - all ages and ranks are invited to attend.  We will have a class for experienced weapons users in February.