NEW SCHEDULE Starting August 12th
We always try to provide a convenient schedule for our students to attend classes and we do our best to provide quality classes developing the necessary skills to pass the Chuck Norris System Black Belt test.
But sometimes we want to teach other stuff ... the fun stuff that's not on the test. Like nunchucks, sword, kamas, bo staff or jiu-jitsu. However, our normal class schedule doesn't allow time for those things. That's why this year we are bringing back our BLACK BELT CLUB and our MASTERS CLUB.
The Black Belt Club will be an upgrade program that provides students the option of learning some of these extra skills. The program will include:
- 3 Classes Per Week
- Advanced Self-Defense and Drills
- Weapons training: single nunchuku, bokken, and bo staff
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training
- Blue Uniform Top and Black Pants with Blue Stripes
- Bo Staff
The Master Club will be an upgrade program that provides students the option of learning some even higher level skills including:
- 4 Classes per Week
- Competitive Sparring
- Advanced Weapons: Kama, Bo, Double Nunchuku, and Bokken
- Advanced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Red Uniform Top and Black Pants with Red Stripes
- Pair of Kamas
We are also going to be adding a Hyper Pro Training Level 1 and Level 2. The Level 1 class will cover the basics of the Hyper or XMA curriculum and build the skills needed to move up to the Level 2 class. Before moving up, students will have to meet a list of pre-set requirements. The Hyper Pro Training class will include:
- Hyper or "Extreme" XMA Martial Arts Training
- Hyper Fitness Skill Building
- Basic Tricking
- Advanced Tricking (Level 2)
- Hyper Pro Training Tee and Black Pants with White Stripes.
Expect to hear from our instructors over the next few days to discuss your or your child's program options and what we feel will be the best fit for your needs and to explain the new class schedule!