Not every technique we learn has a "street application." Can anyone give me a "street application" for a push up, sit up or jumping jack?? … Yet we have our students do them in class.
The issue here is understanding the difference betwe...en the benefit of a skill and the value of a skill. The benefit of sit ups, push ups, etc. is that they make us stronger physically. But the value we learn from them is perseverance ... doing just one more ... doing what is required and then some!
Would we ever do a back flip or a 540 in a self defense situation? NO! But do students gain value from these skills? Absolutely!
Imagine the skill required to do a back flip ... The intensity, the energy … the work ethic required to accomplish something like that is incredible. Now, think about the confidence the student gains when it is accomplished. Students who have accomplished skills like a back flip, a 540, or a butterfly twist are the most motivated, hard working students anywhere. Anyone can see that their stances are stronger, their kicks and punches are sharper ... They are motivated even in the traditional classes because they understand the value!
Everything we do is rooted in the traditional techniques. The "Extreme" or "Hyper" skills do not take away from that. They simply build on that foundation ... A little harder, a little faster, a little louder, more expression ... and it gives extra incentive to the students to work & train hard. The result is motivated, excited students which equals a successful school.
I'm not opposed to traditional karate. I still practice it on a daily basis. I also like traditional hymns, but I don't like to listen to them ALL the time. I like contemporary music, rock, pop, and even some hip hop. We must be willing to grow and adapt with the times. We are not disregarding the traditions of the past… simply adding to it something more current with the culture. Eventually, today's contemporary will be tomorrow's traditional.