Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 2012 Newsletter


May 2012
Dunamis Karate News

It's hard to believe, but May is already here.  Please read this newsletter and mark your calendars so you don't miss any upcoming events.
Lindy Woods
(843) 226-0889

Belt Testing

Congratulations to everyone who recently passed their belt testing and was promoted in rank.  
The next test will be on SATURDAY, June 9th.  

Mark your calendar now so you don't miss this!! It will be the last one until after summer. This will be the first time we've held a Saturday test, but the quantity of students is making it necessary to have a separate day for evaluating everyone. More information about the test will be available as the time approaches.

TEAM Tournament

We are looking for students who would like to compete as part of a TEAM.  

Master Alice McCleary is hosting a Region 7 Team Tournament at her school in Powder Springs, GA on June 2nd. This event will be for teams of 3 to compete in traditional forms and/or weapons and open forms and/or weapons. There will also be competition for small demo teams (3-5 people) and large demo teams (6-15 people). There will also be point sparring when students will earn points for their school for each win. This promises to be a super fun event and a great opportunity to compete together with other friends from our school.  

The cost to compete is extremely low. The biggest expense will be travel to/from the event. If you are interested in participating in this event, see Mrs. Woods ASAP so we can start putting teams of 3 together and practicing for the event.

Summer Plans

Our summer schedule will go into effect on June 11th. We will be cutting back to two days a week and adding morning classes for convenience.

Any parent wanting to take advantage of the morning classes may also want to take advantage of the morning Cage Fitness class. You can work out at 8:30, then your child can workout immediately after.

We are running a summer special for Cage Fitness - only $99 for the 8-10 weeks of summer. This includes the T-shirt & gloves ... that's a savings of $50!  If you want more info, see Mrs. Woods or Mrs. Allison!

In This Issue
Belt Testing
TEAM Tournament
Summer Plans
Just for Moms
5 Foot Trophy!

Just for Mothers

In honor of Mother's Day on May 13th, we are inviting all Mother's to train for FREE during the week of May 14 through May 17th. Moms can come to class with their children or attend the adult class (Tue & Thur at 8:00pm) at no charge.

Also, if you'd like to participate in the Cage Fitness classes, during this special week only, you can do so for FREE.
Mon, Wed & Fri at 6:00am / Mon through Fri 8:30am / Mon 7:30pm / Tue & Thur 6:15pm. 

Karate Tournament

Masters Eric & Aaron Hensley are hosting a karate tournament in N. Augusta on Sat. May 26th.  
The format of this tournament will be similar to the Goodwill Tournament and every competitor will receive a 5' trophy.  
The cost is only $50 if you pre-register by May 12th. After that it will be $65 (cash only at the door). Students can compete in weapons, forms & point sparring. Get more info & Register online for the event - Click Here

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