Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Oct. News

Dunamis Karate News

October 2012
In This Issue
Penny Wars
Belt Testing
Belt Graduation
Quarter Card - Kids Helping Kids
Team Tournament

Bring A Friend Week
Oct. 15-18
Bring a friend to class with you this week only!

Regional Black Belt Test & Workouts 
Oct. 26-27
N. Augusta, SC 

This event is free to watch and all UFAF members are invited to work out in the appropriate seminar for FREE.

All students (especially those over the rank of Blue Belt) are encouraged to attend and UFAF members are encouraged to participate.

More information about the seminar & test times will be available soon.

Gopher Hill Festival
Remember we do not have class Thursday, 10/4. Please support the festival events & our students who will be performing in the talent show. Everything kicks off at 5:30pm on Main St.

Friday, 10/5, meet at Dunamis Karate at 5:00pm
for a complete run through practice of our performance. We will practice about an hour then you will have plenty of time to enjoy the street dance which starts at 7:00pm.

Saturday, meet at Dunamis immediately after the parade (around 11:00 - 11:30) wearing your white gi pants, karate belt, Gopher Hill t-shirt and Sneakers!! We perform at 12:00pm!

Penny Wars - Oct. 8th
We will be running Penny Wars through the remainder of October. It's Girls Vs Boys. Here are the rules: We will have 2 jars set up (one for the boys and one for the girls). Pennies add points to your team, so put all your pennies in jar for your team. Silver coins & dollars subtract points, so put those in your opponent's jar. At the end of the month we will count it up and determine a winner. The winning team will get an awesome prize. This is the first of our "kids helping kids" fundraiser. All monies collected will go to support the children at the mission in Liberia.

Belt Testing - Sat. Oct. 13
Tiny Tiger & Beginners             10:15 - 11:00      
Inter. Jr. / Beginner Adults       11:00 - 12:30

    Advanced & Jr. Black               12:30 - 2:00   
Remember that Test Forms & Test Fees must be paid by Oct. 11th or a $10 late fee will be added.

Test forms must be signed by parents & teachers. All students are required to wear the Full White Uniform to test.

Everyone higher than Gold Belt must have the Dunamis Patch & Flag attached to the uniform.

Students higher than Purple Belt must also have active UFAF membership and the UFAF patch on the left chest of the uniform.

No student will be allowed to test if behind in attendance or tuition payment or if they receive lower than a score of 2 in any area of the exam request form.

(If you are unable to attend the Saturday test, a makeup test can be scheduled for $45.00. See Mrs. Woods for more information.)

  Belt Graduation - Friday, Oct. 19  5:30pm
We invite you and your family and friends to come out and support the students who recently passed the belt evaluations with a celebration performance. The ceremony will last about an hour.

Quarter Cards - "Kids Helping Kids Celebration"
Our 2nd "kids helping kids" fundraiser for the children in Liberia.

We ask all students to help out by taking a quarter card and asking family and friends to donate quarters. We want to wrap it all up on Nov. 10th will a HUGE celebration event including special music & singing (lead by some of our students & family), special messages for the students, a slide show, puppets, BBQ dinners, bouncy houses and more.

More information about this event will be available as it approaches!

Team Tournament - Nov. 3 - Hiram, GA
We want YOU to be a part of our Dunamis Karate Team and compete in any of the following events: Team Forms, Team Weapons, Sparring, Grappling and Demo.  This is meant to be a fun, team building event and because it's a "team" event, no on has to compete alone!
Winners in each division will receive medals.  The winning team will get a cool trophy and bragging rights for a year! 
If you are interested, see Mrs. Woods for more information.  We must have your commitment by Oct. 18th if you want to join us!