Tuesday, August 26, 2014

September Newsletter

Dunamis Karate News

September 2014

Before I get into the events for the month, I want to thank you for your patience with me having to cancel class twice last week.  Our family has been going round and round with DSS trying to jump through all their hoops in order to get custody of my niece, Kaydence, who has been in a shelter for the past 2 1/2 months.  Finally, on Thursday last week, she was allowed to come home with us.  It's an adjustment for all of us, but we have faith that God will help our family bond grow strong through His love!  When you see her in the school, please be sure to welcome her to our Dunamis Karate family as well!  :~)

September Calendar click HERE 
September Newsletter click HERE 
Belt Testing               
Saturday, September 27th      

            A minimum of 80% class attendance is required to test.   Any student with less than 80% attendance will not be allowed to test.
            All tuition payments must be up to date.  Students who are behind in tuition payments will not be allowed to test.
            All students under age 15 are required to turn in an “Exam Request Form” filled out by parents & school teachers.  Any student receiving lower than a “2” in any area of the form will not be allowed to test.
            Students Purple Belt & Higher are required to have active UFAF Membership ($50 per year).  Visit UFAF.org now to register.
            Wear your Full White Uniform.  If your uniform does not fit well or shows excessive signs of wear and tear, purchase a replacement now!

BELT TEST SCHEDULE    Saturday, Sept. 27
Tiny Tigers  10 AM  
Beginner Jrs.  10:45
Int. Jr. & Beg. Adult/Teen  12:30 PM
Adv. Jr & Int. Adult  2PM

PRIVATE LESSONS                        Need some extra help sharpening your skills before belt testing?  Private lessons will be available by appointment only on Friday, Sept. 12th& 19th for a special rate of $30 for Ms. Woods & $15 for Miss Andi.  If you are interested in getting a private lesson, sign up with Ms. Woods ASAP because the schedule fills quickly!
Friday, Sept. 19th
5:30-7:30 PM            
            Join us for a super fun NERF WAR NIGHT.  We’ve got some cool new games and challenges lined up for this event and it’s sure to be one you don’t want to miss.  The cost is only $10.  Snacks/Drinks will be available for purchase.
BELT GRADUATION                   
Friday, Oct. 3rd
5:30 PM     

Join us as we celebrate our students’ success.  Each class will give a short demonstration of skills learned over the past 8 weeks then we will award each new student who tested their new ranks.  The ceremony will last about an hour.
Saturday, Sept. 13th
5:00 PM            

Testing for Black Belt is no joke and it is much harder than people realize.  On Saturday, Sept. 13, we will have one student, Jared Scott, go through first step in the process of testing for his 1st Degree Chun Kuk Do Black Belt.  This event is open to anyone wanting to quietly watch.  Students who are Blue Belt & higher should definitely consider coming to watch so you’ll have an idea of what you’ll be in for when you reach Red/Black Belt.

The Black Belt test for our region will be held at Premier Martial Arts in North Augusta, GA on Oct. 17-18th.  This event is open to watch and there will be seminars for all ages/ranks.  The seminars are FREE to all UFAF members.  (This is just one of the perks you get for being a member of UFAF!)  More details about seminar topics & times will be available soon.