As we celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday, I am suddenly mindful of all the people and things that I am thankful to have, yet sometimes forget to mention. That's why I decided to share my Top Ten Thanksgiving List with you.
As I typed it, I got emotional over some things, so please, though it is lengthy, take the time to read it and learn some things about me and where my heart is.
Top Ten Things For Which I'm Thankful
10 - The Chuck Norris System - CNS truly changed my life!! You may not believe it, but I used to be terribly shy. I remember running in tears when I had to speak in public once when I was in my teens. But look at me now! Knowing I could kick anyone's "bootay" anytime I wanted, has truly helped my self confidence. LOL
9 - South State Bank - I'm still amazed at how we walked in there asking for a loan in 2005 and, somehow, with no money down we came away with a building! Hallelujah God alone can take the credit for that one! And now, we are only about 3 years from having our building completely paid off.
8 - UFAF Krav Maga Force - When I was looking for something to re-inspire my training, I found it in UFAF KMF. We are excited about potentially starting this program in 2017. It will be a great asset to adults who want a no nonsense approach to self defense!
7 - My Students - We wouldn't have a karate school without you! 99.4 % of the time (because everyone has an occasional bad day - even me) I am happy to see you come through the doors and onto the mat. I love that I can see your growth ... as individuals and as martial artists. I love to see you interact with each other, greet one another and encourage one another. I love to see you try your very best, give your whole heart, admit your mistakes, make corrections to improve, and not complain about it. These things remind me that our school is a success, regardless on head count or ranks!
6 - Parents - We count on your support. You bring your children to and from, you pay the tuition, buy their supplies, wash their uniforms, find their belts ... none of it would be possible without you. And, I won't name names, but so many of you have become more than just a face in the chairs during class. I miss you when you (your children) don't come. It's nice to have 'adult' fellowship and I'm glad you aren't afraid to approach me with your questions or concerns or just to make conversation. I am thankful for all of you!
5 - Chuck Elias - He took me under his wing as a student when I was without an instructor. I would never have made 3rd Degree without his help, much less 4th, 5th or 6th Degree. Although I don't get to train with him on a regular basis, I am thankful that he is still there to assist me anytime I need it!
4 - Lighthouse Church - When Pastor Brian Trent approached me about teaching in Hampton and using the LHC Social Hall to hold class, I was nervous about it. I wasn't sure we could actually pull off teaching in two locations. But know I know it was God inviting me to join Him at work. I think we are already seeing new relationships forged and community strengthened and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in the future!
3 - Allison - my best friend and business partner. I don't think I would have attempted any of this without you. People may think I'm the brave one, but many times, it is you who gives me courage to step on out and follow God. Since 2001, you have been my sounding board, my shoulder to cry on, my voice of reason and sometimes even my backbone. I'm sure it's probably more work than you initially signed up for, but I thank you for sticking with me! I love you, my sister!
2 - Andi Lynn - my right hand ... I couldn't do ANY of the things I do without you. You have been my helper on the mat since you were about 5 and I am blessed and honored to watch you grow and continue your training and always work to be a leader and set a positive example for the masses who look up to you. You amaze me with your talent ... not just karate, but also with your musical gifts! I don't tell you enough - Thank you and I love you!!
1 - Jim Dear - For over 23 years now, you put up with my love for the martial arts. Though it sometimes keeps us apart for lengths of time, you have never complained (at least not to me) or tried to make me quit. Thank you for supporting me and the ministry God has given me. God knew what he was doing when he gave me you! I love you, Jim Dear!