Dunamis Karate News March 2020
First, let me congratulate all of the students who competed at the Goodwill Tournament last month. You guys made us So Proud! You were able to pull off an impromptu demo with only 10 minutes prep time and you did a great job! And we heard lots of good things about your competition... how well you did, how respectful you were, what great sportsmanships you had! Hearing all this made us super happy! And to top it off, we won the GIANT 6' trophy because our school had the most people in attendance ... 26 students ... That is a record for us! THANK YOU!!!
Be sure to check our Facebook Page to see all the pics from the tournament!
Now, we are already in the 3rd month of this new year. Time is going by way too fast! This month we have some new things happening and we will be preparing for upcoming Black Belt tests and getting our Booster Club members ready for the International Training Conference in July. Read on to learn more!