Dunamis Karate | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Believe it or not, 2023 is GONE and it is now 2024! WOW!! We have spent the holiday break brainstorming and planning and we have some MAJOR changes going into effect. I am excited to share them with all of you. We truly believe the things we are implementing are going to be better for everyone! Get a Printable Calendar | ||||||||||||||||||||
Uniform PolicyFor years we have had a “uniform policy” but we haven’t enforced it lately. As a result our classes have become more and more “colorful” with their uniform combinations. Well, we are bringing back the uniform policy and it is going to be enforced because we feel it brings more uniformity to our classes! · FULL UNIFORMS with Dunamis Logo, matching the appropriate rank/program, must be worn November through April. This includes the gi top, pants & belt. · Basic Program = Traditional Full White Uniform / Red Trimmed Top for Red Belts / Black Trim CNS Top & Black Pants for Black Belts / Full Black for 5th Degree and Above … PATCHESshould be applied to the traditional uniform for Gold Belts & above. · Black Belt Club = Full Blue Uniform or Blue Top with Black Pants with Blue Stripes · Masters Club = Full Red Uniform or Red Top with Black Pants with Red Stripes or BBC Uniform · Hyper Pro Training = Hyper Pro Training Tee with Black Pants with White Stripes. HPT Pants can be worn in class with the white gi top. · NO OTHER UNIFORMS or UNIFORM COMBINATIONS ARE ALLOWED · T-shirts may be worn on special “T-Shirt Days.” · Summer Uniforms can be worn May through October. This includes an approved karate tee and gi pants (or approved shorts) and a belt. · Only Dunamis Karate or UFAF CNS or Krav Maga Tees are allowed. · Shorts must have the Dunamis Logo and must be longer than the fingertips. · We want students to be responsible for keeping up with their uniform, belt, and equipment. For that reason, students who are improperly dressed or without belt or equipment may receive consequences. NOTE: We will have a grace period through the month of January giving students/parents adequate time to get the appropriate uniforms purchased if necessary! See all policy updates - Check the Student Handbook | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sparring EquipmentAs per our insurance company’s guidelines, only approved sparring gear can be worn on the mat. The appropriate gear is available for purchase through the Dunamis Karate app. Students who do not have the approved gear will not be allowed to participate. NOTE: We will have a grace period through the month of January giving students/parents adequate time to get the appropriate gear if necessary! | ||||||||||||||||||||
Dunamis DollarsYears ago we had a reward system where students could earn “Dunamis Dollars” for a variety of things on or off the mat. These dollars could then be used to purchase prizes from the prize shop. We are bringing this reward system back. It’s a chance to help students learn money responsibility, saving, and more. Money must be kept in good condition or it’s no good … Torn or crumpled up money will not be accepted. (Stay tuned for more on this.) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Practice Makes PerfectIn order to encourage our students to practice we are working on a way to have weekly practice videos and “homework” for students to complete. When it’s completed, there will be a variety of rewards the student can earn, in addition to their amazing growth as martial artists because they practice so much! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Hyper Fight ClubWe are going to hold the Hampton and Ridgeland HFC on different weekends. This will allow students twice as many opportunities to get the require HFC attendance done because they can attend at both locations. The first HFC of the new year will be held in Ridgeland on 1/20/23. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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CLOSED for MLK Day 1/15No classes will be held on Monday, 1/15 in honor on Martin Luther King Day. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Night of the Ninja PNOThe first PNO of the year will be held in HAMPTON on 2/9, then in Ridgeland on 2/15. It will be a night of Nerf Wars and Dodgeball!! We will provide Guns, Bullets & Safety Goggles! You may dress up as your favorite Ninja and Battle It Out with Your Friends! We will even have a NINJA OBSTACLE COURSE!! You do not need to bring a gun! Every Attendee will get a NERF GUN to take home!! NOTE: We have separate Hampton and Ridgeland PNO events in the app so make sure you click on the correct location when registering!! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Hyper Leadership TrainingWe have found a way to keep a regular schedule with our Hyper Leadership Training. We’ve seen great success in the students who have attended and we want to continue that training and progressions. Students who attend these classes may even have opportunity to intern in some classes and become part of our SWAT Team! The HLT classes will be held in Ridgeland on the same Saturday as the Hyper Fight Club. The first one of 2024 is scheduled for Sat., 1/20 at 11am. This event and all future events for the year are already active in the app and ready for students to register! | ||||||||||||||||||||
Belt Graduations are BACKIt’s been years since we held a belt graduation to celebrate our students success after testing. We got to big to hold them all together in one place. Well, we have figured out a way to make it work and we are bringing them back! After every belt test week we will hold a belt graduation on Friday in RIDGELAND. This is an optional time of performance and celebration. Each student will be able to perform some of their best, most exciting skills for family and friends then receive their new belts. The Black Belt Club & Master Club students will also perform. Students who do not attend the graduation will get their new belts at the next regularly scheduled class. | ||||||||||||||||||||
We are excited to see each of you on the mat next week. Ridgeland students … you should come in to find ALL of the construction is finally complete!!! I can’t wait for you to see how amazing it has turned out! Thank you, all, for your continued trust in us as we work together to change lives and equip leaders, spirit, soul & body! Respectfully, Lindy | ||||||||||||||||||||
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