Monday, December 30, 2019

Dunamis Karate News - January 2020

Dunamis Karate News
January 2020

Happy New Year!!  
We hope each of you have enjoyed your holiday break.  We used the time to plan and prepare for this new year to make sure our students get the best training possible!  Read on to find out what's in store!

Printable Calendar
💥 This event will fill up in less than 12 parsecs💥
Are your kids ready to train like Jedi Masters?
At our Rise of the Sabers Parents Night Out, your kids will learn to unleash the powers of the force, wield sabers like a pro, and defeat the evil empire - and they’ll get all of it done before bedtime!  And each child who registers will receive a light-up saber to keep! 
We have only 20 spots available for this event and it is super easy to get started. Follow the steps below 👇 …
1. CLICK HERE to register your child and their friends for our out-of-this-world event!
2. Figure out how you're going to spend your 3 hours on a Friday night.
Yep, only 2 steps. Told you it was easy!
See you at our Rise of the Sabers Parents Night Out on Friday, January 17th! 

Friday, January 24th  5:00 PM
Grab all your sparring gear and join us as we "kick-off" the new year with our first Hyper Fight Club event.  This one hour training will include fun drills, fitness and sparring... and it's perfect to help our students get ready for the GOODWILL TOURNAMENT coming up in February!

The cost is only $5.00.  Pay through the app or bring $5 cash!
Purple Belts & Up 
Goodwill Tournament
February 29, 2020
Each year we look forward to participating in the Goodwill Tournament held at the Beaufort High School gymnasium.  It is a friendly, safe, fun tournament that is run by Mr. Chuck Elias from Club Karate, who is Mrs. Woods' instructor.

The tournament is great for students of ALL ages and ranks - even the little Tiny Tigers!  It's great because the divisions will be broken into smaller groups so each person has a greater chance of placing.

All students who participate will receive a plaque or trophy and ribbons are awarded for the top 3 or 4 places in each division.

We will start having some "tournament prep classes" this month to help students be prepared to compete!

The school who brings the most students will win a HUGE trophy and this year WE WANT TO WIN, so please join us in Beaufort on Feb. 29th!

More info coming soon! 
Tournament Prep Bo Class
Friday, January 24th
6:00 - 7:30   $10 
Get ready for weapons competition at the Goodwill Tournament in February with this special Bo Class.  We will teach a beginner form, for those who have never used a bo staff, and we will review with our Black Belt Club and Masters Club members the forms that they learned back in August.

(Students should have their own bo staff for attending this class!)

This class will be held at both locations.
Click HERE to register or use the "EVENTS" tab on the app!!
Tournament Prep Forms & Weapons Practice
Friday, January 31st
5:00 - 6:00 PM   $5
Get ready for competition at the Goodwill Tournament in February with this special practice class.  Students will have time to work on their forms and weapons for competition and receive valuable feedback from our instructors.

Click HERE to register or use the EVENTS tab on the app.

This is not a class where we will TEACH a form or weapon.  It is simply a time to practice and get extra help from our instructor team. 

Friday, December 13, 2019



Belt Testing is Monday & Tuesday, 12/16-17 - See details below!

Ridgeland Makeup Classes today & tomorrow (Friday, 12/13 and Sat, 12/14) - See schedule below!

Ridgeland Makeup Classes
Please do your best to attend the makeup days as follows:

Friday, Dec. 13
Tiny Tigers 5:00 PM
Beginners 5:30 - 6:15
Intermediate & Advanced 6:15 - 7:00
Krav Maga 7:00 - 8:00

Saturday, Dec. 14
Intermediate & Advanced 10:00 AM
Hyper Pro Training 10:45 - 11:30
Black Belt Club 11:30 - 12:00
Masters Club 12:00 - 12:30

Dec. 16-17 - Belt Testing During Class

Test fee must by paid by Sunday, 12/15 or a $10 late fee will be added!! 

Pay through the app and there is no need for paperwork. 
Pay by cash or check and you will need to bring the printed exam request form.
(see link below)

Check the list below to make sure you meet
ALL the requirements:
  • Clean Well-Fitting White Uniform
  • Minimum 80% class attendance
  • Tuition payments must be up to date
  • Test fee paid prior to test start date or a $10 late fee will be added (pay through the app and no paper test form is required.  Pay by cash or check and we will need this TEST FORM turned in as well!)
  • Flag patch at Dunamis patch attached to uniform (Gold Belts & Up)
  • Fight Night attendance (Purple Belts & Up)
  • Active UFAF membership with UFAF patch on the left chest (Purple & Up)
ALL Belts will be awarded on Wednesday, 12/18
We invite all family and friends to come and help celebrate our students' success on Wednesday, December 18th.  Be sure to bring your cameras because each class level will give a short performance and receive their new belts.
See the schedule below.

Belt Graduation Wednesday, 12/18
All Tiny Tigers 5:00
Beginners 5:30
Intermediate & Advanced: 6:00

Friday, 12/20 - Chilled Parents Night Out - 6:00 - 9:00
Limited Space

This "Frozen" themed event is free - Our Christmas gift to you... but space is still limited so register NOW - Click HERE

Saturday, 12/21 - Parents Day Out 10am-5pm in RIDGELAND

Let us entertain the kiddos with lots of games and crafts while you wrap up your holiday to do lists.  The cost is $35 per child and space is limited to 30 people!  (This is a booster club fund raiser.)
Click HERE to register

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ridgeland Makeup Classes

Ridgeland Makeup Classes

Please do your best to attend the makeup days as follows:

Friday, Dec. 13
Tiny Tigers 5:00 PM
Beginners 5:30 - 6:15
Intermediate & Advanced 6:15 - 7:00
Krav Maga 7:00 - 8:00

Saturday, Dec. 14
Intermediate & Advanced 10:00 AM
Hyper Pro Training 10:45 - 11:30
Black Belt Club 11:30 - 12:00
Masters Club 12:00 - 12:30

Monday, December 2, 2019



Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Andi Lynn will be traveling to
Florida for Krav Maga training so the
Ridgeland location will be closed Dec. 2-6. 
(Hampton classes will continue as normally scheduled.)

Please do your best to attend the makeup days as follows:

Friday, Dec. 13
Tiny Tigers 5:00 PM
Beginners 5:30 - 6:15
Intermediate & Advanced 6:15 - 7:00
Krav Maga 7:00 - 8:00

Saturday, Dec. 14
Intermediate & Advanced 10:00 AM
Hyper Pro Training 10:45 - 11:30
Black Belt Club 11:30 - 12:00
Masters Club 12:00 - 12:30