Sunday, January 30, 2011

President's Day Hyper Camp

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Dunamis Karate will be closed on
Monday, Feb. 21st for President's Day.  

No regular classes will be held on that day. 
Hyper Perseverance Camp
President's Day - Monday, Feb. 21st
8:30am - 5:00pm 

Get ready to have fun learning the newest kicks, combinations, Jumpkick gymnastics skills, and forms from Hyper Pro Matt Emig.  
In addition you will also learn what it takes to become the next High Performance Athlete in life through mastering Perseverance!   

This camp is certain to inspire and motivate students to work hard and continue their martial arts training.  The skills learned will be new and exciting as they challenge students to reach beyond their comfort zones and achieve a new level of excellence.   

Persevere tee
You don't want to miss this camp!

Pre-Register by Mon., Feb. 7th and receive a FREE Perseverance T-shirt and have opportunity to add Matt Emig's Hyper DVD for an additional $10.  

Limited to 25 participants!

(Use promotion code HYPER2 and save $5)

Camp Price: $49.00

The camp is designed for students ages 6 & up.

(Camp participants also get 5 tickets for the ticket contest.) 

What is HYPER?
Hyper was developed to shine a light on the amazing lifestyles that the martial arts and tricking represent.

 We respect tradition and embrace the people who are constantly evolving, improving and creating new techniques. We believe you are the best athletes in the world, and we felt it was about time they got the respect and recognition they deserve.

The HYPER LogoHyper Logo
The  "H" in the Hyper Logo represents a Ladder of Success. Every time you train hard and try your best, you climb closer to your goals and dreams. Through the martial arts, you can learn the skills you need to be successful in life. The "H" also represents a Gate to Victory: Hyper athletes embrace challenges and turn barriers into victories.

Visit the Hyper Martial Arts website for more information.  
Use Coupon Code "HYPER2" and save $5.00  
off the Feb. 21st HYPER Camp!  
Offer Expires: February 7, 2011