Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year - Here's a look at what's happening at Dunamis Karate inJanuary 2023


Dunamis Karate 

January 2023 Newsletter

It seems like just yesterday it was 2022 ;) … but seriously, we are exciting to be entering a new year with each of you and look forward to the progress we can make working together toward your goals. You’re going to want to make your calendars now with these important dates so you don’t miss anything. 

Here is a printable calendar you can use at home if desired!

Goodwill Tournament
February 25, 2023

Each year we look forward to participating in the Goodwill Tournament held at the Beaufort High School gymnasium. It is a friendly, safe, fun tournament that is run by Mr. Chuck Elias from Club Karate, who is Mrs. Woods' instructor.

The tournament is great for students of ALL ages and ranks - even the little Tiny Tigers! It's great because the divisions will be broken into smaller groups so each person has a greater chance of placing.

All students who competitor will receive a beautiful plaque and ribbons are awarded for the top 3 or 4 places in each division.

Tournament Prep Classes - Fridays

We will start having some "tournament prep classes" this month to help students be prepared to compete! If you would like to learn a weapon (nunchucks, bo, or sword) and are not a BBC/MC member, you can attend the Friday weapons classes for only $10 per class. Start working now to learn the skills with the weapon and a form to use in competition on Feb. 25th!  REGISTER IN THE APP TO ATTEND!

The school who brings the most students will win a HUGE trophy and this year WE WANT TO WIN, so please join us in Beaufort on Feb. 25th! AND our school has also been asked to perform a demo for the opening ceremony, so we need LOTS of students to participate and help us put on a good show! 

More info on tournament registration coming soon!

Buddy Week Jan 9-12

Buddy Week - Bring a friend to class with you. The lesson plan will include a lot of fun challenges. If your buddy likes it and becomes a student, you will get to spin the prize wheel! Have your buddy register at this link:

Some Assembly Required PNO
Friday, January 20, 2023 6-9pm

The theme for this Parents Night Out is “Some Assembly Required” where your child will have a BLAST being a master builder. They’ll do all sorts of FUN things including…

• Learn how to build fast and fight like a "brickster" – yes!

• Build forts, spaceships and pirate ships – oh my!

• Fight off the greys & take down Lord grey using different targets, body shields & hand targets – so cool!

• Laugh and play with other Lego-loving kids – birds of a feather…

• Learn about teamwork – so rewarding!

• Hone their “think on their feet fast “skills – awesome!

• Recharge with a Lego-based snack – now you’re talkin'!

• And more!

“Everything is Awesome”… just like the theme song in The Lego Movie.

This event is 3 hours, which means you’ll have 3 hours of some much-needed time for yourself, ahhh!!!

What’s really COOL about our PNOs is that they’re…

• Such a ONE-OF-A-KIND experience

• A great way for kids to fantasize and have FUN

• A great way for parents to be KID-FREE and chillax

If your child loves Legos, they’re going to really LOVE being a master builder at this Crazy-Cool Event where they’ll learn how to build forts, spaceships and pirate ships… fight off the greys… and take down Lord grey using different targets and body shields.

Spots are Limited… and always fill up FAST!

So, be sure to Register Now!

Register Now

Saturday, January 21st 10:00 AM

Purple Belts and Up, grab your sparring gear and join us for some great sparring skills and drills. Remember this class is REQUIRED! 

This will be your first of 3 opportunities to meet your required HFC attendance for belt testing! Register in the app or bring $5 cash!


Saturday, February 11th 10:00 AM

This will be your second of 3 opportunities to meet your HFC attendance requirement.

Dip - Duck - Dodge PNO
Friday, February 10th 6-9pm

Here’s your chance to take a well-deserved break from your kids with our Dip Duck Dodge Parent’s Night Out Event!

All you gotta do is drop your kids off at our school for 3 hours where they’ll have a BLAST playing dodgeball and do all the FUN things they LOVE to do including…

· Participate in dodgeball games & activities

· Play & have fun with their friends

· Learn about teamwork

· Hone their skills so they can win the dodgeball world series

· Have a tasty snack with their friends

· And more!

It’ll be intense, fun, and a great team building experience for your kids!

And when the kids are away for 3 hours, that means a whole lot of self-love for YOU!

Spots are Limited… and always fill up FAST…

So be sure to Register Now!

P.S. Worried about supervision at this Super-Cool Event?

We’ve got you covered. Your child will be supervised the entire time by our high-quality staff.

So… go out, relax and have some much-needed fun yourself!

Register Now

Important Dates to Note: 

Feb. 6-9 = Stripe Test

March 6-9 = Buddy Week

March 17 = PNO

March 18 = HFC
March 20-21 = Belt Testing

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