Monday, October 2, 2023

Dunamis Karate October Newsletter



Dunamis Karate October 2023 Newsletter

We have SO many things happening this month.  I can’t wait to share them!  Read this newsletter carefully and mark your calendars now so you don’t miss anything!!

Printable Calendar - Click HERE

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Gopher Hill Festival Details


Hampton School CLOSED Thursday, 10/5

Ridgeland School MODIFIED SCHEDULE Thursday, 10/5

Tiny Tigers 4:30 - 5:00 Demo Practice
All Other Ranks 5:00 - 6:00 Demo Practice

Gopher Hill Children’s Costume Parade 6:00 PM

Bake Sale / Turtle Races 7:00 PM

Talent Contest 8:00 PM

FRIDAY, 10/6


Andi Lynn will be singing at Fiddlers Restaurant from 6-9pm

Saturday, 10/7

Demo Practice - All Ranks - After the parade 11:00ish

Performance 1:00 PM

Andi Lynn & The Bees Creek Band perform at 5:00 PM

1st Degree Black Belt Test
Saturday, October 21st 11:00 AM

We have 5 candidates testing for their 1st Degree Chuck Norris System Black Belt:
Eli McLemore and Reece Langlands from Dunamis Karate - Ridgeland

Elijah Brunson and Landon Platts from Dunamis Karate - Hampton

Victoria Cheatham from UMAD in Augusta, GA.

Kick-or-Treat Parents Night Out
Friday, 10/20  6:00-9:00PM

Parents, You deserve a NIGHT OFF!!

Let us entertain your kiddos (and wear them out) while you enjoy a night to yourself.

We have 3 hours of fun, active games planned for them!

Attendees are invited to wear their costumes to this event.  We will have a special photo shoot set up to showcase their characters.
Reserve your spot now through the EVENTS tab of the Dunamis Karate app.

Hyper Fight Club
Saturday, October 21st 10:00 AM

Purple Belts and Up - This is the first HFC sparring class of the new test cycle.  Grab your sparring gear and come join us for some great sparring drills to improve your sport karate skills.

If you are a new purple belt and don’t yet have your own sparring gear,
see Mrs. Woods ASAP!

Black Belt Test & Regional Training Event
Saturday, October 28th

These training events are FREE to UFAF members!!  We encourage all UFAF Members to attend the event in Beaufort SC on 10/28.  

The youth seminar at 2pm led by Mrs. Lindy and Miss Andi will be skills you have done before.  We really want to have our students there to set the example for how the skills should be done!!

Adults & Teens UFAF Members are invited to attend the Counter Handgun Workshop taught by Mr. Steve Hammersley from FL.

If you are not yet a UFAF member, you can join today for as little as $7.99 per month.  Just visit

We will be CLOSED Tuesday, 10/31 for Halloween.  Enjoy your night off.